
Home >Academic


S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 Playgroup ASH House of -Swar Cambridge
2 ASH House of - Alphabet
3 ASH House of - Numbers
4 ASH House of -Rhymes
5 ASH House of -Colours
6 ASH House of -Patterns
7 ASH House of - Activity
8 ASH House of - GK


S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 Nursery My first step with Cambridge kit Nursery ( third edition) Cambridge
2 Sugar Mere Geet-A Holy Faith International
3 Sugar KA KH GA Holy Faith International

Jr Kg

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 Jr Kg My first step with Cambridge kit Lower KG ( third edition)Cambridge
2 Sugar Mere Geet-B Holy Faith International
3 Sugar Akshar Lekhan Holy Faith International

Sr Kg

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 Sr Kg My first step with Cambridge kit Upper KG ( third edition)Cambridge
2 Sugar Mere Geet-C Holy Faith International
3 Sugar Hindi Shabd Diksha Holy Faith International
3 Sugar Hindi Swar Diksha Holy Faith International

1 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
11 The Gems of Life Sheth
2 Terabytes Cambridge
3 Sarangi (Hindi)-Textbook NCERT
4 Sarangi (Hindi)-Workbook NCERT
5 Do You Know Cambridge
6 Joyfull Mathematics-Textbook NCERT
7 Joyfull Mathematics-Workbook NCERT
8 Mridang (English) Textbook NCERT
9 Mridang (English) Workbook NCERT
10 Marathi Textbook Sulabh Bharati
11 Marathi Workbook Sulabh Bharati
12 Grammology Edusoft

2 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 2 The Gems of Life Sheth
2 Terabytes Cambridge
3 Sarangi (Hindi)-Textbook NCERT
4 Sarangi (Hindi)-Workbook NCERT
5 Do You Know Cambridge
6 Joyfull Mathematics-Textbook NCERT
7 Joyfull Mathematics-Workbook NCERT
8 Mridang (English) Textbook NCERT
9 Mridang (English) Workbook NCERT
10 Marathi Textbook Sulabh Bharati
11 Marathi Workbook Sulabh Bharati
12 Grammology Edusoft

3 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
13 English Cambridge
2 Maths
4 Computer
5 G.K
6 Grammology Edusoft
7 The Gems of Life Sheth
8 Amol Saral Hindi Holy Faith
9 Marathi Textbook Sulabh Bharati
10 Marathi WorkBook Navneet-Vikas

4 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 4 English Cambridge
2 Maths
4 Computer
5 G.K
6 The Gems of Life Sheth
7 Amol Saral Hindi Holy Faith
8 Hindi Grammer Viva
9 Marathi Textbook Sulabh Bharati
10 Marathi WorkBook Navneet-Vikas
11 Grammology Edusoft

5 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 5 English Cambridge
2 Maths
4 Computer
5 G.K
6 The Gems of Life Sheth
7 Amol Saral Hindi Holy Faith
8 Hindi Grammer Viva
9 Marathi Textbook Sulabh Bharati
10 Marathi WorkBook Navneet-Vikas
11 Grammology Edusoft

6 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 6 English Honey Suckle NCERT
2 Grammology Edusoft
3 Eng.Supplimentary A pact with sun NCERT
4 Science NCERT
5 Maths NCERT
6 Our Past I (History) NCERT
7 The Earth Our Habitat (Geography) NCERT
8 Social & Political Life NCERT
9 Hindi Textbook(Vasant)-1 NCERT
10 Hindi Textbook-(Bal Ram Katha) NCERT
11 Hindi Grammer Viva
12 Marathi Sulabhbarti Textbook Navneet-Vikas
13 Marathi Sulabhbarti WorkBook Navneet-Vikas
14 Quest Wizard Edusoft
15 Inbox Cambridge

7 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 7 English Honey comb NCERT
2 Grammology Edusoft
3 An Alien Hand (Eng.Supplimentary) NCERT
4 Science NCERT
5 Maths NCERT
6 Our Past - II (History) NCERT
7 Our Environment (Geography) NCERT
8 Social & Political Life NCERT
9 Hindi Textbook Vasant-2 NCERT
10 Hindi Supplimentary-(Bal Mahabharat Katha) NCERT
11 Hindi Grammer Viva
12 Marathi Sulabhbharti Textbook Navneet-Vikas
13 Marathi Sulabhbharti WorkBook Navneet-Vikas
14 Inbox Cambridge
15 Quest Wizard Edusoft

8 Class

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 8 English Honey dew NCERT
2 Grammology Edusoft
3 It so Happen(Eng.Supplimentary) NCERT
4 Science NCERT
5 Maths NCERT
6 Our Past - III (History) NCERT
7 Resources & Development (Geography) NCERT
8 Social & Political Life NCERT
9 Hindi Textbook-vasant-3 NCERT
10 Hindi Supplimentary-(Bharat ki Khoj) NCERT
11 Hindi Grammer Viva
12 Marathi Sulabhbharti Textbook Navneet-Vikas
13 Marathi Sulabhbharti Workbook Navneet-Vikas
14 Inbox Cambridge
15 Quest Wizard Edusoft

Books Distribution 2024-25

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 9 English Beehive NCERT
2 Moments (Eng.Supplimentary) NCERT
3 Science NCERT
4 Maths NCERT
5 India & Contemporary world (History) NCERT
6 Contemporary India - I (Geography) NCERT
7 Economics NCERT
8 Democratic Politics NCERT
9 Information Technology-IX G.Ram
10 Hindi Sanchayan-1 NCERT
11 Hindi Sparsh-1 NCERT
12 Manak-Vyavaharik Hindi Vyakaran-Lekhan NCERT
13 Marathi AksharBharati Navneet-Vikas
14 Marathi-Work Book-Akshar Bharati Navneet-Vikas

Books Distribution 2024-25

S No. Class Books Name Publication
1 10 English First Flight NCERT
2 English Reader Footprint NCERT
3 Science NCERT
4 Maths NCERT
5 India & the Contemporary world (History) NCERT
6 Contemporary India - II (Georaphy) NCERT
7 Understanding Economics Development NCERT
8 Democratics politics II NCERT
9 Information Technology-X G.Ram
10 Hindi Sanchayan-2 NCERT
11 Hindi Sparsh 2 NCERT
12 Marathi AksharBharati Navneet-Vikas
13 Marathi-Work Book-Akshar Bharati Navneet-Vikas
14 Worlds and expressions-2 NCERT