ybiskidz@gmail.com +91-9552785696
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About Us


A Pre-School is your child's first experience away from you. To ensure that this transaction from home to school is a smooth process, We have your child's fun partner at YBISKIDS Pre-school. As your little bundle of joy takes the first step into a new world he or she is not alone. There fun partner YBISKIDS as always there to  help your child get comfortable in the nurturing environment of our Pre-School.

Provides your child a safe and hygienic atmosphere. We with us child first philosophy and a new age mindful curriculum, emphasizes that the child will play,learn and grow to imbibe essential life skills through exploration and discovery. Our emphasis on the child's well being and development and close coordination with parents makes YBISKIDS one of the best schools in our town.

Our Philosophy

Our Pre-School beleive that children learn best through play. This builds confidence creativity and a love for school while kids learn in an age-appropriate way.
The early years of the child's life are busy. He believe learning is happening all the time and is interwoven through all development domains. These includes physical social emotional congnitve and communication. Therefore the goal of our learning experience safe positive and fun nurturing the whole child as I strive to guide them into the next stage of development with cinfidence in themselves and an excitement for continued learning.

YBISKIDZ Principle

Children always comes first. Early learning is an exploration own pace and through their unique development and care needs. Children's brains are designed to be stimulated and challenged  and to carefully examine and interpret their environment. Learning for children. When children are trusted, loved and respected they feel powerful and competent to achieve any task. We allow children to become less dependable. Children then gain the curiosity, determination and patience to learn in every situation.

Key Of Success

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence.